China Trains

by TravelChinaGuide

Travel & Local


China Train, China Train Tickets, China Train Schedule

TravelChinaGuide, a leading China-based booking operator, provides a real-time train shchedule of China Railway network and online ticket booking service. Our easy-to-use app will save your time and effort by removing guesswork from your plans. Our considerate customer service and efficient after-sale support makes your purchase with us smoother than any other travel agent. Each step of the booking procedure including change, cancellation and refund policies is clear and absolutely with no hidden extras. These all make your experience with TravelChinaGuide a hassle-free one.We fix some bug.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Not working lately. Any update or software problem?

Kh Lim

Can never connect. Doesn't matter if I use Wifi, 4G, or 5G. VPN is off, or on. Doesn't work.

C'est La Vie

I have used this app for years, proved very useful. However, like some reviewers had said, it no longer works, constant message saying it cannot connect to network. I cleared the cache, uninstalled and reinstalled, nothing helped, including trying on another phone. Seems this app is no longer supported but the developer had not bothered to remove it from the Google app store.



A Google user

Ui not to my liking and feeling insecure.


This app is garbage that should not be in the Google Play store. Installed in the United States, it cannot connect. It says you have no network. Except somehow I have a network to be writing this review flaming this piece of trash right now. This is most likely just a fishing Expedition so that the CCP can steal your information.

John Hill

Cannot find where to Log In on this app

May Ong


Do Na

great help

gary cheung

china good

wang chenfeng